Sunday, October 12, 2008

yesterday, today, and tomorrow...

Every so often I find myself sitting back and just taking it all in and I realize in that moment that there is so much that I want, and yet it seems to be just out of my reach.

Yesterday my best friend got married. It was a beautiful and hilarious moment. I was his best man and I was truly honored by it. I got to drive a Cadillac with butt chillers, and enjoy watching a few of my friends dance to music one only really hears at weddings. It was a great night, and yet at the end of the night while driving home I found myself listening to one song over and over; "Oh, It Is Love," by Hellogoodbye. I'm looking forward to the day that I get to dance with my wife on that day. I know, I'm a guy and I should be tough and not so mushy, but I can't help it.

Today, I looked inside my self and saw just how much of a better man I can be while listening to pastor Nate speak at Rev this morning. It is a message that I know and have heard a thousand times and I know just how true it really is. I know that I have stuff to work on, and I am. I thank God that His grace is so big.

Tomorrow... Who knows. I'm probably going to get bogged down in the daily happenings that make my life so insanely busy, but I hope not.

My prayer is that I would live tomorrow, and every day after, as aware and in tune with the God that is ultimate reality as is possible.

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